Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Once upon a time..."

It is well known the media has a lot of power, used in positive and negative ways. Thanks to the media we can have two attention seeking twenty year olds, who don’t do much for a living but create and perform in their own screenplay. Thanks to the media, an infamous American politician is currently seeking his hand in reality television, as he waits for his court date. Thanks to the media, the actions of an irresponsible doctor, who crossed many ethical lines, and brought us the mom of octuplets, is also on her way to a reality television. It has a funny way of making something or someone huge literally overnight, and we as a society love nothing more than to see ordinary folks get there shot.

But here’s something positive we can thank the media for- Susan Boyle. We’ve all by now have heard of her voice and her story. A 47 year old woman, who lives on her own in a small village in Scotland, she went out to audition on Britain’s Got Talent, a reality talent show. On April 11th Britain and the internet were buzzing with the unexpected treasure they have discovered.

Susan Boyle walked up to the stage with snickers, comments, and odd looks from the audiences and the judges faces. Despite the attempted humiliation, she went on to sing, and sing she did. She sang “I have a dream”, and after the first note she had everyone’s jaws dropping.
Susan is not a typical looking artist, and not the most attractive around, she represents a big percentage of the world that is largely misrepresented in the media. Even the media’s representation of “ugly”, or “unattractive” is more than many people in real life can ever achieve.

She made so many people happy and embarrassed at the same time. Most of us like to believe that we are open-minded, and physical appearances is not everything, but Boyle has proved that the thought that we keep hidden in the back of our minds, is much more dominant than we like to admit.

We treat attractive people differently, give them the benefit of the doubt, shower them with accolades, and raise the bar much higher for their potential. But in most cases, the same cannot be said about normal looking people. Simon Cowell was one of the first to rush to judgment, and is quick to point out his own mistake, “We're all guilty on the panel of judging [Boyle] before she sang. We were completely and utterly wrong. It's terribly embarrassing." [1]

But Boyle’s innocent smile, charisma, appearance and voice have captivated many people and has many people saying "Boyle would not be mesmerizing if she were not an ugly duckling," [2]. Her personality is such a big part of her appeal, and that’s so refreshing about her story. She is not a young misguided child that has not blossomed, she is a woman that comes unpackaged, looks different and is not heavily influenced.

After her sudden fame, there were many offers thrown her way. Offers for makeovers, personal life (never been kissed, or married), and pretty much anything the media can get their hands on. But she still refused to talk about her personal life and about any potential suitors, but the makeover has caused many to talk.

She has been seen with a new look, she still looks like the same person, but more groomed and younger. There are opinions from both sides, some believe she should totally change herself and become a star and “let her fairy godmother finish her work” [3]. Others believe that it’s important to "keep her as natural as possible for as long as possible, She has to make sure that the person people all around the world fell in love with remains the same." [4]

There is no doubt she has shed an important light on appearance. How much of a person’s appearance should be held accountable for their success? Is it fair to judge based on her looks? After all, "Part of the charm was that she wasn't done up". [5] She has made Simon Cowell show a softer, awed face, she had the whole auditorium up on their feet after her first note. She has accomplished so much in those brief few minutes she had to shine; I think it’s important for her to remain authentic.

However, she is being presented with many resources, resources that she would have never received normally. Many people in her shoes would jump at the chance, and take what they want and use it to their advantage. I think she has without really trying made a statement, and it’s time for her to enjoy this part of her life, however she chooses. Whether she wins or loses on the show she has millions of people supporting her, and is clearly someone that isn’t much influenced, and will do what she feels is right. She’s putting a classical twist, on a modern woman.

[1] “Simon Cowell: Susan Boyle Could Lose Britain's Got Talent”, Pamela Warrick. April 25, 2009
[2] “Susan Boyle's new hairdo pushes recession to the sidelines in Britain” YahooNews. Ca, Gregory Katz. April 24, 2009. April 25, 2009
[3] “Susan Boyle's new hairdo pushes recession to the sidelines in Britain” YahooNews. Ca, Gregory Katz. April 24, 2009. April 25, 2009
[4] “Susan Boyle's new hairdo pushes recession to the sidelines in Britain” YahooNews. Ca, Gregory Katz. April 24, 2009. April 25, 2009
[5] “Susan Boyle's new hairdo pushes recession to the sidelines in Britain” YahooNews. Ca, Gregory Katz. April 24, 2009. April 25, 2009

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