Saturday, May 23, 2009

"Good Girl Gone Bad" No, really


The picture that leaked from the LAPD of a battered Rihanna is published for the most part to create money and buzz. The media should not have spread the photo. The picture has been spread all over the internet. It is not fair to Rihanna because she did not give consent and is probably very humiliated.

Maybe she doesn’t want people to know how she looks like, or is not ready to face the world’s opinion and overwhelming support. She should have had the choice because something like this is very hard to face and needs time.

The main advantage of this scandal is for TMZ, where it was published, and for the police officer, as I’m sure he got paid. However, this could be turned around and Rihanna could be the perfect person to show young girls what could happen and be a strong candidate for preventing domestic violence.

This picture could help Rihanna’s career, and have major repercussions for Chris brown’s life and career. If the alleged attack is true Chris Brown will be even more hated and can kiss his career good bye, at least for a while.


The fact that Rihanna is back together with Chris brown is very disappointing. It’s very sad what Rihanna chose to do because it paints a very negative picture. What Rihanna is basically saying is that it’s okay if you get physically abused, disrespected, treated invaluably by someone who claims to love you.

It’s giving a picture to so many people like young boys and men that it’s okay to do that to a woman. It will make young girls believe that you deserve that kind of abuse and you should always go back to them and not speak up.

In this case Rihanna does have a responsibility because Rihanna wouldn’t be Rihanna without the support of her young fans. They supported her and looked up to her, what she is instilling in them is not worthy of any number one hits.

MAY 22

With Rihanna’s current actions I think the public is amazed but also tired of her actions. She is going on as if nothing happened and it’s disappointing. It seems the case has been swept under the rug and people are slowly forgetting it ever existed, a perfect scenario for both sides.

I think many of her fans feel alienated, but she is still receiving and overwhelmingly large amount of support. She has been seen hitting fashion shows and the only buzz around her is her always interesting fashion choices.

Interestingly, around the time that the alleged attack occurred actress Keira Knightly released a PSA about domestic violence. It’s an interesting piece, creatively done and at times graphic.

It’s refreshing to see a young Hollywood actress have a voice and stand for something. She has many fans and is a class act, with a promising future. She shows that you can have it all and do so beautifully. It’s unfortunate that many girls don’t feel they have the same options in Hollywood.

June 12 (Updated)

The Rihanna and Chris saga continues with more details being revealed. The first one being that Rihanna has been subpoenaed and must testify in court. This in the grand scheme of things is not the worst thing that could happen. However, it seems every chance Rihanna gets she tries to come off as if nothing ever happened three short months ago.

It’s disturbing and at times scary to see her nonchalant actions. 95% of males engage in dating violence and that’s not a statistic to be proud of or ever defend no matter what the circumstances are. I say this because in the past few days it was revealed that Rihanna and Chris asked to be seated beside each other at the NBA playoff game ( Fortunately, this did not occur because of sudden change of plans.

This whole situation does not make sense. Charges are still being pressed but it seems that both parties are trying desperately to sabotage this case, which begs the question why are they even pursuing it? I think that Rihanna is desperately trying to fix her image of a pushover girlfriend every chance she gets. She has been seen with many interesting famous women such as Katy Perry and Fergie.

Also, there has been an update with Jasmine. Jasmine is the little girl that is a huge fan of Rihanna and was fighting leukemia. Rihanna heard of her story and met her, after meeting her a couple of months ago she arranged for numerous people to be tested as potential donors. It has been released that they indeed did find a match for Jasmine and is recovering, a happy ending to one chapter of Rihanna’s life.

However, the court case and her relationship with Chris is still unclear. No one really knows where she stands and what she is going to do next. Hopefully she will do what’s right by her and perhaps for other women who have been in her situation or worse.

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